
List of final eligible / ineligible applicants for contractual recruitment 2023-24 after claim objection resolution under National Health Mission

List of final eligible / ineligible applicants for contractual recruitment 2023-24 after claim objection resolution under National Health Mission
Title Description Start Date End Date File
List of final eligible / ineligible applicants for contractual recruitment 2023-24 after claim objection resolution under National Health Mission

List of final eligible / ineligible applicants for contractual recruitment 2023-24 after claim objection resolution under National Health Mission

07/01/2025 31/01/2025 View (263 KB) Vigyapti (263 KB) ANM ( NUHM) eligible list (7 MB) ANM(NUHM) not eligible list (827 KB) Attender (NHM) eligible list (4 MB) Attender (NHM) not eligible list (1,023 KB) Clinical psychologist (NHM) eligible list (523 KB) Clinical psychologist (NHM) not eligible list (1 MB) Counsler (NHM) eligible list (5 MB) Counsler (NHM) not eligible list (311 KB) Counsler (Tele Manas) not eligible list (2 MB) Counsler tele (Tele Manas) eligible list_ (4 MB) dawa aptti nirakaran (3 MB) Lab Attendant (NIDDCP)- DPHL IDSP eligible list_ (4 MB) lab Attendant (NIDDCP) DPHL-IDSP not eligible list (1,002 KB) Lab Technician (NUHM) eligible list (1 MB) Lab Technician (NUHM) not eligible list (2 MB) Lab Technician (NUHM) not eligible list (2 MB) Laboratory technician DPHL(IDSP) eligible list (3 MB) Laboratory technician DPHL(IDSP) not eligible list (359 KB) Pharmacist RBSK (NHM) eligible list (8 MB) Pharmacist RBSK (NHM) not eligible list (502 KB) Physiotherapist (NHM) eligible list (2 MB) Physiotherapist (NUHM) eligible list (2 MB) Programme associate – DEIC (NHM) eligible list (3 MB) Programme associate DEIC (NHM) not eligible list (4 MB) Psychiatric Social Worker-NHM eligible list (580 KB) Psychiatric Social Worker-NHM not eligible list (4 MB) Secretarial assistant (NHM) eligible list 1 (6 MB) Secretarial assistant (NHM) eligible list 2 (6 MB) Secretarial assistant NHM not eligible list (3 MB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) eligible list 1 (8 MB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) eligible list 2 (8 MB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) not eligible list (2 MB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) not eligible list (2 MB) Staff Nurse (SNCU) eligible list (523 KB) Staff Nurse (SNCU) not eligible list (252 KB) Suddhi ptra (281 KB) TBHV (NTEP) not eligible list (3 MB) TBHV(NTEP) eligible list (5 MB) technical Coordinator-NHM not eligible list (2 MB) Technical Coordinator- NHM eligible list (438 KB)